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Been long time folks,saying hi
Hi Howard and Craig,
Thank you for the welcome, and noting the difference between the Facebook page and this site.
I'm in Orange County, CA.
I may take you up on your offer to ask you questions! Thank you.
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Welcome to the site. Howard is right in that most of the active discussion is on the facebook page but facebook isn't great for archiving documents and discussions which is why I keep this site running. Lots of technical details and FAQs dating back a decade. Let me know if you need anything.
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Welcome to the site. Hopefully you can find what you are looking for here. It’s not as active as the Facebook pages but you can find a lot of things archived here. Where are you located? And good luck with the car.
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Hi all, just here to introduce myself. I picked up a black 1998 AIV Roadster back in July and am in the process of sorting it out (detailing it, replacing all fluids, replacing wind screens, trying to figure out why the steering wheel is loose, etc.).
Since I'm new to the group, I apologize for any missteps that I might make. Feel free to set me straight!
I won't be found on the Facebook Roadster page, since I'm not a Facebook fan. My hope is that this site will be helpful to me. I know, a bit selfish, but I suspect that I'll need some help occasionally. I'm already enjoying the car, and at the last Cars and Coffee I attended, I must have entertained questions for 1.5 hours, since no one appeared to be familiar with Panoz. Quite alot of fun.
Anyway, looking forward to a long and enjoyable ownership.
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Thanks Howard. 100% agree re Jamie at Panoz. He is keeping many of us on the road and original!
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Good morning gentlemen! It’s great to see that some of the OG are still around. I still have my 2005 triple black GTLM (original owner). I try to stay active on the multiple FB groups and yes Jamie is the “MAN” he is keeping the Panoz World going. It’s also nice to see the value of our cars being appreciated noted by some of the recent sales.
Take care everyone,
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Nice to hear from you Dogdoc97. I was hoping that you still owned a Panoz. The Facebook sites for the Roadster and Esperante certainly get more activity than this forum. I hope though that this forum can act as a site that you can go to for information on the cars for parts and repairs.
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Jamie is still with Panoz and active on the FB group. You can also reach out to him directly through the FB group. I don't have his contact info unfortunately but dogdoc might.
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Hi dogdoc, good to see post from you. This is Don Fryer. About 2 1/2 hrs E of Panoz. 2004 Esperante GT (the 1st GT built); acquired in 2009. Also good to see comment about recent contact with Jamie. He and JC (?) (tall Brit fellow?) were great on a repair a couple of years ago. Jamie is still with Panoz? Or did you mean that you had simply just talked to him recently? I need to contact them re my cruise control not working. I don't do social media, but my wife does. She is requesting our joining the Panoz Esperante private facebook group.
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Been long time folks,saying hi
I read from time to time but wanted to say hi to Howard and others from many years ago, Since my original triple blk GT,I’m original owner, green GT coupe I just sold and finally after 10 years or some picked up a Sugard Daddy blue GTLM from Bryan Tiller in Macon. I keep in touch with Roger Connor in California who has 5/Panoz I believe, I’m in Atlanta if I can help anyone, spoke to Jamie today and Johan at JRD has done a lot of great service for me over the years. Dog doc Max
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